Calendar - Event View
This is the "Event Detail" view, showing all available information for this event.
If the event has passed, click the "Event Report" icon to read a report and view photos that were uploaded.
About this event
You MUST be a member and logged in to register for this event.
When registering, ONLY SELECT ONE ROOM TYPE from those listed in the Activities/Items section - do not select a loft AND a bedroom.
To determine if an accommodation type is available, expand the specific accommodation type, under Activities/Items, to see the capacity and available slots. If the accommodation is “Filled” you can request to be put on a waiting list.
If an accommodation type is filled, Add Me to The Waitlist. The Trip Coordinator will inform you when a space is available. Often, the Trip Coordinator can add additional space if enough members are interested.
Select the “Bedroom ” AND “Bedroom (Single Supplement). When prompted for your roommate, just enter “SINGLE”. You need to select TWO items.
If you don’t have a room identified at the time of registration, you can enter “TBD” in the roommate field with the understanding that you are responsible to identify a roommate PRIOR to the cancellation date.
During the event registration process, you will need to answer ALL the registration questions, which cannot be updated later, including:
- Emergency Contact Information
- Allergies
- Condo Dinner preferences
- Ride Sharing
- Room and/or Condo Mates
To see the details on the cancelation policy for this trip, review the Mammoth Trip Policies.
Event Contact(s)
Keith A Mason
Trip Coordinator
Registration Info
No activities available for registration
Payment In Full In Advance Only
The member agrees to the following during the trip:
1) Observe common courtesy and generally accepted standards of social and moral behavior.
2) Refrain from smoking indoors.
3) Refrain from use of illegal drugs.
Cancellation Policy:
See the "Mammoth Trip Policies" above for details on the trip cancellation policy.
Invalid Quantity
(Click the down-arrow to view details)